Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Today was Tuesday which means that I teach the most difficult class of the week: public school kids aged 6 - 14, who either have no idea how to say the alphabet or can have good English conversations. I hate this class.

Today I tried to get the kids to play tic tac toe. We used letters first. I put an X in the "e" square and asked the kids where they wanted to go next. "E!" they shouted.

"Mai me E, it is already taken, try a different one".

"E" They shouted again, as if they had just hit on a new idea.

Finally one team had three in a row and all they needed to do was put an X in the J square.

"Where next?" I asked them.

"L!" they screamed.

"Are you sure you don't' want J?" I asked.

"L!" they yelled again.

After 10 more minutes of choosing every square except J, no one won.

Ok, so the next time I tried it with numbers since they can't seem to remember anything past 11. "Where?" I asked them

"Q!" they yelled.

"There is no Q. These are numbers, not letters."
They pondered this quietly for a few minutes. One kid yelled out "H!" then everyone yelled out "H!" I started swearing at the blackboard. I can't wait until school semester ends in October.

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