Monday, June 05, 2006

Today, after my first ride in a propeller plane through a thunderstorm, I arrived in Mae Hong Son. What can I say, I was unprepared for how primitive this place is. The house that I will be living in has a thatched roof, no shower at the moment (I have to bathe with a bucket and cloth), there are beetles in my bed, chickens that come through the front door, and no hot water. Also, there are apparently very large spiders that like to live in the bathroom, and there is some sort of cricket outside that sounds like a loud electric drill.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Heather, you are my hero!!! I would have been out of there at the mention of the word spider. :) You are so amazing to do this entire adventure.

Anonymous said...

Well Pookiness,
Just you and the buggs... and we know how much you like spiders.

