Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Koko Head Climb

We're in Hawaii again, and this time determined to return slimmer, not like last time. Our resolve was pretty strong when we woke at 5:45 this morning. I went on a run at 6 a.m. through the neighborhoods of Hawaii Kai, which was difficult because every passing retiree wanted to stop and chat. They may have all the time in the world while on their early morning constitutional, but I had plans. I had thunder thighs to subdue. Move over, sweet little old ladies!

Kate Moss says "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels", and I say to her "bah!". Lau Laus and fresh sesame poke taste way better than skinny! The Spouse feels the same way, which is why, after gorging ourselves at the beach yesterday with fish and 40s of beer in brown paper bags, we determined that we should climb to the summit of Koko Head so we could feel good about ourselves. 

The summit is reached via the old railway, which resembles a steampunk carnival ride of terror, covered in red dust and wilting hikers in brightly colored and expensive exercise gear. The track runs straight up the side of the crater, swerving neither to the right or the left. The top is quite breathtaking, with views of the windward side, Hawaii Kai, and the tail end of the Ko'olau Mountains, which are somewhat dry this time of year. Rusty metal detritus litters the top, but makes lovely places to perch and take in the view.

For other haoles interested in hiking up Koko Head, leave the backpack behind and just bring a water bottle, sunglasses, and wear lots of sunscreen (the Spouse, wearing a sloppy goatee of white sunscreen on his face and stylishly impractical clothing, began to reflect the sun immediately, blinding those were were trying to ascend with his blue-white skin). We started on the trail at 9:30, and I woulnd't recommend anyone who is not used to the heat start much later than that, as there is no shelter from the sun to speak of along the trail.

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