It´s Raining in Madrid
We made it to Madrid and today are heading to Seville on the high-speed train. It´s been six years since I was last in Europe and there were some things that I forgot about, like what it´s like to ride a subway in a country of garlic eaters at rush hour with an enormous packpack on. We missed our conencting flight in Charles de Gaul airport, and for some reason (exhaustion? dehydration?) I fainted while waiting in a sandwich line between our flights. Well...technically I slumped over on to a table took a very quick nap in fropnt of a lot of people.
It´s 6:30 in the morning now on a Sunday and the streets are full of tipsy twenty-somethings who, after being kicked out of the bars for the night, are staggering around trying to figure out what to do.
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