Ko Denmark

Plenty of people are dissatisfied with sitting behind a desk and talk about their dreams, starting their own business, not having a boss yadda yadda yadda, Hell, I am one of those people. One day I am determined to start my own hand-made hair-clip business, the next a cheesemongerie - every few months it changes. Rarely do I meet people who actually DO start their own businesses.
Enter Henriette.
We would eat sandwiches and kvetch about work together at ACME CORPORATION. She said she wished there were more organic soap-products on the market. I wished there were too, I said. And now she has done it - she has made lotion, and what jasminy lotion it is! I ordered a bottle. It's lightweight, and smells like milk and lots of jasmine. I put it on at night and the next day I wake up with baby skin. I can put it on my hands, and then open a jar of pickles immediately after because it's not greasy and slippery. Pickles and soft skin = euphoria. The lack of oil-slick alone is reason enough for me to throw away all of my Lush lotions.
We would eat sandwiches and kvetch about work together at ACME CORPORATION. She said she wished there were more organic soap-products on the market. I wished there were too, I said. And now she has done it - she has made lotion, and what jasminy lotion it is! I ordered a bottle. It's lightweight, and smells like milk and lots of jasmine. I put it on at night and the next day I wake up with baby skin. I can put it on my hands, and then open a jar of pickles immediately after because it's not greasy and slippery. Pickles and soft skin = euphoria. The lack of oil-slick alone is reason enough for me to throw away all of my Lush lotions.
Here is her website: http://www.kodenmark.com/
Please take a peek.