Saturday, March 15, 2008

...What a wonderful town...

Well, I haven't written because I have been in New York. I am embarrassed to admit that I am 27 and this is the first time I have ever been to New York. A few impressions:

- There are those who love New York and those who hate it (apparently there are few people who are in the middle). I'm definitely a lover.

- Times Square is smaller than it looks on TV

(View from my hotel room)
- New Yorkers don't dress like the cast of Sex and the City (found out the hard way)

- It's the cleanest big city I have visited. I told this to a New Yorker (well, New Jersey, actually) and she was flabbergasted. I tried to explain that I thought it was clean because of all the BAGS of garbage on the street, as opposed to straight-up littler. I didn't get any understanding. She hasn't seen Bangkok yet...

Admittedly I didn't see anything of the city until the last half of Friday when my boss and I spent about six hours shopping in Soho and visiting happy hours around town. For the previous four days the only glimpses I had of NY was when I was bustled from the hotel into a waiting car, and then bustled from a waiting car to the hotel again, at dark. The rest of the time I was in Paramus, NJ, which is a lot like Lynnwood, WA: malls, highways, malls.

Friday - Enjoying my freedom (for a few hours)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Charmed by Amanda Kindregan

I forgot to mention, my favorite pick up from last week's Homemade Brigade rummage sale! I found this sweet print by local artist Amanda Kindregen. I checked out her website and was amazed at the quality of her other work. I found her etsy site as well, and I am pleased that I have the opportunity to buy more of these story book-like prints.

Here's a closer-up picture of my mermaid, who is currently reclining on the south wall of our teensy bathroom.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Very little is happening in my sphere these days except for lots and lots of work. The spouse and I are basking in our new mini-PC running, a Linux machine Ubuntu AND Vista. Its so tiny that it looks like a CD case, so quiet that we forget it's on. Perfect for the small apartment or condo. It even looks good sitting on top of our desk...

Isn't it cute?